Lunch with Friends

Drop-In Social Connection Therapy Group
at Sessions Psychology in Nashville
weekly on Mondays 12pm-2pm

Do you often feel lonely or that your relationships with others lack meaning?

Maybe you feel like your schedule hasn’t left you room to nurture a fulfilling social life. Or perhaps you feel too shy to “put yourself out there”. Maybe it seems everyone else has it figured out and you were left behind. You may even be feeling that you’re the problem.

Social disconnection can happen for many reasons including:

  • Working remotely or from home

  • Becoming a new parent

  • Moving to a new city or changing jobs

  • Holding different opinions or belief than the popular culture

  • Shame, guilt, insecurity, or shyness

  • Having lost touch with your social self following the pandemic

  • …and many more

You are not alone in feeling alone.

It may feel impossible now, but you can find the connection you’re looking for. This group is a place for people to meet and explore relationships and connection. Our goal is to experience the therapeutic value of a great hang. We will talk, laugh, share our challenges and our triumphs.

This group is for you if you:

  • Want to engage other people in a deeper more meaningful way

  • Have de-prioritized your social wellbeing and want to create more balance

  • Want to work on improving your listening and connection skills

  • Want to work on sharing your thoughts and feelings with more authenticity

  • Want to feel seen and help others to feel seen as well

I will walk us through the process and facilitate creating a container that allows for you to connect with others. My approach to therapy and life in general comes from a place of validation and creativity: it is completely normal to feel confused about your relationships and it is not too late to work on creating the relationships you really want.

Email me at or schedule a consultation to find out more and join the group

What are sessions like?

This is a new group and the structure of sessions can look very different depending on the size of the group and the needs of the members on that particular day. In general, there will be a mix of structured activities to help facilitate connection and more free flowing parts when the connection has some momentum. There is a need to include all members and as such, various interventions may be employed to support that.

Will I need to attend the entire session?

No. In recognition that our schedules all very, our intention is to create a space with permeable boundaries. During the allotted time, you are welcome to come late, leave early, or stay for the entire session.

Do you provide lunch? Do I have to eat with you all?

We do not provide lunch and it is not a requirement to eat during the session. In 2023 57% of Americans reported eating all meals alone - we are simply trying to provide an option to eat with others if that’s something you’d like.

How much does it cost?

Your first session with the group will be free and if you decide to continue, billing will be monthly. The sliding scale fee is $50-150/month with the understanding that those who are able to pay the full rate are directly contributing to making the lower rate available to members with lower incomes.

Where does the group meet?

The group meets in the beautiful Sessions Psychology offices in East Nashville. Contact me for specifics.

What if I struggling with socializing in groups?

Then this is the group for you. This group is to help all of us who are experiencing difficulty with connecting with others - whether that be one-on-one or in the context of a group. When we can feel safe with the members of a group, it registers as a safe place. That is what we are working to create with each other.

How do I get started?

Email me or set up a free consultation to discuss details and see if the group is a good fit for your needs.